50 Best Free Online Typing Tutors
Here is the list of 50 best online typing tutors where you can easily learn typing online. All of these online typing tutors provide online typing lessons and typing tests. Some of them also have typing tutor games. You don’t need to install them in your machine because all of them are web based and absolutely free to use. The typing tutors mentioned here offer great typing lessons starting from beginners to advanced level and focus on touch typing. Each of them has their own unique typing lessons. Now, let’s see what each of these typing tutors has to offer individually.
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Here are the Best Free Online Typing Tutors:
Typing Test
TypingTest.com is a great place to learn typing. It provides you with step by step methods on how you can learn to type online. You can try out the typing test even without registering, but, to learn everything you have to register with the website. In the website, you will get tests based on the following typing levels: – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Business. The typing course consists of 14 Touch Typing lessons plus 4 lessons of symbols typing with 7 lessons of how to build speed while typing. It has multiple games of words. It also shows you the words in which you need to improve.
Ratatype.com is the next online typing tutor in the list. If you have no idea about typing then it is the best online typing tutor where you can learn how to type. It trains you by starting from typing words from the correct fingers. The keyboard is color-coded hence giving us a nice view and also helps us to understand which finger should press which key. Ratatype provides you virtual certificates based on your typing performances. It also shows the real-time information about any typing errors and typing speed. There is also a nice tutorial on how to type, how to sit, how to place fingers on keyboard, etc.
Typing.com is another online typing tutor in the list. Typing.com has numerous online typing lessons beginning from amateur to professional levels. Typing.com offers official typing certifications from Typing Institute of America. Anyone can compete with anyone around the world. It shows real time tracking information about your typing progress. It also has beautiful skins. You can match skins according to your mood. There are plenty of interactive games to play and improve your typing skill. There is a teacher portal too where teachers can manage their student’s performances.
Learn Typing
Learntyping.org is a nice place for learning typing. It has many online typing lessons from beginners to advanced levels. There is no need for registration or signing up. It does not have a timer while you are typing the lessons. The virtual keyboard is present only in the beginner’s typing lesson. There is detailed information available about the keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard shortcuts information is divided into 7 parts. The typing tutor focuses on accuracy rather than speed. It has various types of activities like timed typing tests, free typing tests, and a unique ultimate test. It also has handful of games to play with.
Typing Club
Typingclub.com gives you great online typing classes for those who want to learn typing from the beginning. The typing tutor has 100 lessons of typing covering all the typing topics you can think of. You can try out the lessons even without registering but your progress will not be saved. So, it is better to register with the website. It shows your typing speed and accuracy while typing. After finishing the typing lessons, it will present you with data showing the accuracy and speed of your each finger. There is also a lesson speed timeline that gives you a graphical chart view of your speed during the typing lessons.
Typing-lessons.org is a nice web typing tutor which provides typing lessons online. The typing lessons are created by Mr. Peter Hudson and the typing lessons are known as Peter’s online typing course. There is a great explanation on the most basic important things you should take care of before you start your actual typing lessons. These things include how to sit while typing, how to place your fingers while typing. There is no need for a sign up, you just have to go there at typing-lessons.org and start typing. It displays the errors and the time taken by you to complete the lesson but it does not show your typing speed.
Easy Type
The next typing web tutor we are going to discuss is Easytype.org. You can easily select any typing exercise and practice them as many times as you want. The virtual keyboard is always present during the typing lessons. It neither shows your typing speed in Words per minute (WPM) nor in Characters per minute (CPM) after the typing exercise, instead of this it shows Keystrokes per minute. It also shows number of errors, percentage of errors and the time taken for the typing exercise. You can check your typing speed by taking typing speed test. You can easily check your typing stats from the Statistics Menu at the homepage.
Keybr.com is another very handy web typing tutor for learning typing lessons. Keybr.com has a very interactive interface. When you open the website for the very first time, it will give you a nice tutorial about how to use it. You can use all the features without signing up but if you want your progress to be saved then you have to register with the website. The primary emphasis of this website is on improving on word calibration. It shows which words you have mastered and which words you need to take care of. Keybr.com shows you various information i.e. average & best typing speeds, number of errors and confidence level.
Typing Arena
Typingarena.com is a great place to learn touch typing. Its course is divided into three segments: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced respectively. Your typing progress will not be saved unless you sign up with the website. TypingArena.com also has a chrome app. The online typing lessons are nicely organized. There is a great teacher section where teachers can manage their student’s typing progress. It will display number of errors, total characters typed and your typing speed measured in Characters per minute (CPM) during the typing lesson. You can view your achievements in your profile page. You can also try out some nice typing tutor games.
Speed Typing Online
Speedtypingonline.com consists of 3 methods of typing: Classic, Row, and Custom. You can customize the length of the online typing lessons according to our need. We can choose the length of the characters in the typing lessons between 50 characters to 500 characters. Beside typing lessons, it also has plenty of typing games to entertain us. It keeps a live track of all the information about typing. Speed Typing Online is free to use, there is no need to register with the website. You can also select the duration of the typing tests ranging from 30 seconds to 10 minutes.
Official-typing-test.com provides nice online typing lessons. There are usual tips on how to place your fingers on the keyboard and how to sit correctly. The virtual keyboard is always visible during the typing lessons. The primary objective of this site is accuracy rather than speed. There are timing tests too. The length of the timing tests can be selected from 1 minute, 3 minute or 5 minutes. After you have taken the timing test, it will show you the following information: typing speed with error adjusted, Gross speed, accuracy, and total characters count, total corrections made and total uncorrected errors.
Good Typing
Another typing web tutor on the list is Goodtyping.com. You can try out the free typing lessons online without registering but your progress will not be saved. You have to register with Goodtyping.com to save your data and access all the typing lessons available. After registration, you will be greeted with an introduction page. The introduction page will tell you about finger positioning. At the end of each lesson, you will get the following information: your typing speed, time taken for the lesson and keystrokes per minute (KPM). You can also view your error percentage by clicking on show my results button after the lesson.
Typing Cat
Typingcat.com offers you 29 online typing lessons. It has a unique virtual keyboard which is very useful in learning touch typing. It shows information about your accuracy, typing errors, typing speed and the time duration. It provides a graphical representation of heat map with most mistyped keys and mistyped words and also shows the words you have mistyped. Typingcat.com has a very neat & clean interface. Anyone can learn typing from this website. There is also a scoreboard where you can check stats of other users.
Tipp10.com provides a nice learning opportunity for those who want to learn typing from the very beginning. It has a downloadable version too. It is also available as a Chrome Browser extension. You have to register with the website to use all its features. You can select the number of characters or timing of the tests but remember that you cannot select both of them together. You can check your progress in Results Menu. The Result Menu will show you the lessons learnt, typing speed, errors, and progress graph.
Sense Lang
Sense-lang.org has a vast resource for improving typing skills. The online typing lessons will guide you with how to type process. It will start with 2 characters and gradually increases to the entire keyboard. You can view the speed of typing, error count, success rate etc. You can give plenty of typing tests. You can try out BBC News typing tests, target typing tests and of course the default tests. You can play a lot of games here. There is a dedicated teacher and student section in the website.
Artypist.com is a wonderful web typing tutor to learn typing. The website gives you extremely detailed guidance on how to properly learn typing and improve upon them. Artypist.com is very helpful for a new learner who wants to learn typing but has no idea where to start. It shows information about typing speed, accuracy and time taken for the typing test. The website has nice collection of games. To save your typing data and progress, you have to register with the website. You can view your full typing statistics like average speed, average accuracy and average score only after registering.
Typingme.com is another touch typing based online typing tutor. This online tutor provides 2 types of typing training: Professional and Amateur. Typingme.com contains Professional version with 15 typing lessons along with the 10 typing lessons of Amateur version. The basic positioning of fingers on the keyboard is very well told by Typingme.com. There is also a virtual keyboard available to you all throughout your typing lessons. The typing lessons are very well laid out. Anyone can learn and practice the typing lessons.
India Typing
Indiatyping.com is an Indian typing web tutor. Apart from English typing, it has regional languages typing too. You have to select English Typing Tutor on opening the website to begin your English Typing lessons. It has typing tips on how to sit and place your fingers correctly. It will display your typing speed in both Characters per Minute (CPM) and Words per Minute (WPM). You can view your typing accuracy, number of characters typed, and the next & previous character in the typing lesson. You can take typing tests ranging from 1 minute to 10 minutes.
Alison Touch Typing Course
Alison.com provides free typing lessons online. The course is free but you have to sign up with the website to practice all the typing lessons. It has plenty of typing exercises for you. The typing course starts with the basics of touch typing technique i.e. position of fingers on the keyboard, name of the rows. The course has a very clear method. It tells you how to prepare for every typing module, gives you a warm up test to begin with and a training-assessment test at the end to finish the module.
Learn2type.com is a very nice online typing tutor for typing lessons. The lessons begin with the basics of typing and progress into advanced level. The lessons are very well thought out and wonderfully explained. Unlike other websites, which have typing games, Learn2Type does not have any typing games. Instead they have normal arcade games like Sudoku, Puzzle, Pacman, Space Invader, Tetris Puzzle game etc. Learn2Type offers real typing certifications which is very helpful. You can use keyboard typing lessons even without signing up but you have to register to use all the stuff out there like numeric keypad lessons.
Alfa Typing
Alfatyping.com is a very fine online typing tutor. You can take a demo lesson without signing up and it will show your typing speed and accuracy after the demo. To fully learn all the typing lessons, it is better to register with Alfatyping.com. There are 60 typing lessons available at Alfatyping.com. You will find typing test and lots of typing games here. Alfatyping.com provides certificates too which are valid for one year. It has a dedicated teacher section where teachers can create classes, manage unlimited students in every class, and check their student’s progress, etc.
Free Typing
Freetyping.com is a very nice place where you can learn to type free. You have to register with the website to use its contents. After registering, you can take any typing lessons. The typing course is divided into chapters and chapters are further divided into lessons. Every chapter consists of practice lessons, chapter test, etc. You can review your problematic words, check your typing stats, use custom texts and modify the amount of characters and words used in the typing lesson. After every lesson, it will show your typing speed, accuracy, characters typed, time taken and number of errors occurred.
Keyhero.com is the next online typing tutor in the list. Keyhero.com contains a range of typing lessons, typing tests and custom typing tests. It will show your typing speed and accuracy after every typing test. There is typing tips available in the website. It’s better to register with the website because your typing progress will not be saved unless you sign up with Keyhero.com. There is also a unique instant death typing test that ends as soon you make a mistake. Your data will not be saved in this test.
Typing Speed Test
Typing-speed-test.aoeu.eu is a very nice online place to improve your typing speed. It gives you most commonly used words to type which is really very helpful. During the typing test, it will show you the following information: your typing speed both in Characters per minute (CPM) & Words per minute (WPM), and the time remaining for the typing test. It will also show you the number of errors and which words you have mistyped after the test. It always displays most recent score around the globe.
Typing Test Online
Typingtestonline.org is a free website for improving your typing ability. It shows duration of the typing test, typing speed mistakes all through the typing test. After finishing the typing test, you can get a detailed report on your typing ability. It will display your average & maximum typing speed during the typing test, your accuracy, the exact words you have misspelled and the average time taken by you to find the character in the typing test. You can customize the typing test by changing its contents, time and type of speed either Characters per minute (CPM) or Words per minute (WPM).
Agile Fingers
Agilefingers.com is a wonderful online typing tutor. It has a very fresh interface. To save your typing data, you have to register with the website. Every typing topic is covered here. You can practice typing with texts from famous books or you can try out your own texts too. You can select the length of the typing lessons and tests starting from 2 minutes to an unlimited time. Agilefingers.com shows your live typing speed and accuracy during the practice lessons and tests. You can also view time remaining, total characters written, characters left and total errors occurred.
Touch Typing Guru
Touchtypingguru.com is another very fine online typing tutor in our list. You must register with the website to save your customized settings and your typing progress. You can select the length of the typing lessons varying from 2 minutes to 10 minutes. The typing tutor will display your typing speed and accuracy throughout the typing lessons. You can participate in typing competitions. You can view everything about your typing details by going into your profile page. You can take typing speed test and view your typing speed, total number of keystrokes, total errors, accuracy and your writing result.
How To Type
As the name implies, How-to-type.com will teach you how to type. This website is perfectly suitable for someone who has no idea about typing. There is a nice collection of typing lessons which will teach you all the things you need to know about typing. It has various typing lessons, typing exercises and typing tests. Typing tests are divided into two parts: Basic and Intermediate typing tests. After every lesson you will get your typing speed, accuracy and total errors.
Power Typing
Powertyping.com is another useful online resource for learning and improving your typing skills. It has various segments i.e. QWERTY, Tests, Practice, Dvorak and Games. The learning approach provided by power Typing is very neat and easy to learn. Like other websites, it also has plenty of typing games to improve your typing skills. All the typing progress you make is properly maintained and stored in your computer as a cookie.
Typing Study
Typingstudy.com is a very nice web typing tutor to learn and improve your typing ability. It has a very nice step by step approach to typing. The typing lessons are easily explained. It has plenty of typing games which can improve your typing. The virtual keyboard is always available during the typing lessons. While giving speed tests, you have lots of options regarding the stories to write. After giving the test, you will be presented with a detailed report in which you can observe your accuracy, your typing speed and the time taken to complete the test.
Typingonline.co.uk provides you 5 lessons of typing words and additional 4 lessons of typing numbers. Every words typing lesson contains 10 exercises while each numbers typing lesson contains 8 exercises. There is a perfect explanation on which finger will go where. It also guides you on how to sit properly and place your hand properly on the keyboard. You can take the speed test and practice with either numbers or words or you can practice with both of them together.
Touchtype.co provides you numerous typing lessons to improve your typing skills. It has words typing lessons, numbers typing lessons, speed tests etc. You can practice quotes, most common words, pseudo words and capital letters there. You can also take symbol lessons there. It displays live statistics about your typing such as your typing speed, total characters present, total errors occurred and accuracy. You can select any lesson at any time from the Menu button present at the top of the webpage.
Doorway Online
Another useful online typing tutor in our list is Doorwayonline.org.uk. This web typing tutor gives us a full 56 set of extensive typing lessons. The typing lessons are very well organized and nicely written. It is easily understandable by anyone. There is no need for registration. The typing lessons are absolutely free to use. The virtual keyboard is present during the typing lessons. If you want you can hide the virtual keyboard and the typing hands. You can also practice the typing lessons in full screen mode.
Typing Boss
Typingboss.com is an Indian website that provides free typing tests. You can select the length of the typing tests from 1 minute to 10 minutes. Throughout the typing test, it will display your typing speed, accuracy, number of errors, number of keystrokes and the remaining time for the exercise. The Typing lessons contain easily written paragraphs taken from various sources consisting of common words so that everyone can practice and improve typing. Typingboss.com is a nice attempt from an Indian website to make typing simple and easy to learn.
Type Racer
Typeracer.com is a unique web typing tutor in every sense. Typeracer.com has a typing race. The interesting part is that you have to run your Beetle car with your typing speed. The faster you type, the faster your beetle moves. You can play the typing race game even without registering with Typeracer.com. After registration your progress will be saved but there is a catch in that. It will not provide you with full functionality unless you make your account premium.
10 Fast Finger
10Fastfinger.com is a perfect place for intermediate typing user. It provides you lots of ways to enhance your typing skills. It has an android app too. 10Fastfinger.com has Typing test with 200 words & a more advanced Typing test having 1000 words, and text practices. You can also try out the typing competition. You have the option of giving tests based entirely on your words. It will display you typing speed, your typing score, time taken for the test and your typing accuracy. It will also show you what you have typed.
Free Typing game
The teaching methodology of Freetypinggame.net is very simple. It has 30 typing lessons. The typing tests consist of many topics like classic tales, commonly misspelled words, and emphasis on particular fingers and many more. It also has a few lessons in Spanish, French and German words. It is quite evident by the name that this online tutor’s focus will be more on games. It has lots of fun games to play and improve your typing.
Typing Tutor Online
Typingtutor-online.com is a wonderful online place to learn typing. You will get three types of typing exercises: typing with characters, sample text and your own text. There are 79 characters typing lessons and 88 sample text typing lessons. The website has typing instructions and videos on how to place your fingers properly. After every typing lesson you will get the typing information about your typing speed, typing errors, total characters used, error percentage and the total time taken to complete the lesson. TypingTutor-Online measures your typing speed in Characters per Minute (CPM).
US Speller
Usspeller.com is an online typing tutor essentially a website for children and newcomers. It has a very simplified interface. You can select the time period of the typing lessons starting from 1 minute to 5 minutes. There are a total of six grades available in the typing lesson. The list of the grades present in this typing tutor is: Gandalf, Merlin, Sorcerer, Wizard, Magician and Apprentice. The better your typing score better is your grade.
Learn Keyboard Typing
The next online typing tutor we are going to discuss is the learnkeyboardtyping.com. It has a very simple and clean interface. Every lesson is very clearly written and easy to understand. Even a child can learn from this website very easily. This site is ideal for a new learner. The numbers typing lessons are also present here. There is no sign up process involved here. You just have to open the website and start practicing the typing lessons.
Nitrotype.com is another racing based online typing game. It includes full-fledged real-time typing competition. You just have to sign up with the website and start racing with other opponents. You can manage everything after signing up with website. You can manage your car, view your stats & achievements, build your own team or join a team and view the latest scoreboard. You can improve your typing speed by participating in the race. Nitro Type is also available in Chrome web store.
The next online typing tutor is Lecturel.com. It has typing exercises and typing tests. The website has extensive finger exercises which will enable you to remember which fingers will be used to type which words. Do not skip the finger exercises. If you really want to learn typing then you must complete all the finger exercises. It will benefit you immensely. There is also a speed test called Words per minute test, where you can test your typing speed. The Words per minute test will show your typing speed, accuracy, number of characters typed and number of errors occurred.
Online Typing Speed Test
Onlinetypingspeedtest.com is a good online place to learn typing lessons online. As the name implies, the main objective of this online typing tutor is to improve your typing speed. It will always show you characters count, accuracy and your typing speed in Characters per minute (CPM) during the typing tests. The website gives you great typing tips like which finger will be used to type which words. This is a very useful site for anyone who wants to learn typing. Whether you are of beginner, intermediate or advanced level, it is really a nice place for everyone to learn and develop their typing ability.
Rapid Typing
Rapidtyping.com provides typing tests and typing games for improving your typing capability. It has a downloadable version too but let’s not discuss about it, as we are here only for the online version. There is a nice section which tells you about the fine details of touch typing and many more. You can select the number of text in the typing test and the lesson which you are going to type. You can also find lots of typing games to play with.
Typrx.com is a perfect place for showcasing your typing capability. This website is made for those people who have ample knowledge of touch typing and want to compete against the very best typists around the world. You can compete in a race with other typists or you can practice alone. You can either create a private race or join a private race if you have the race code. The website will display the list of today’s best typists, your personal last 10 typing speeds and a hall of fame list showing the greatest typists around the world. You need to sign up with Typrx.com to save your typing progress.
typing.academy is another free online typing tutor website. This website offers multiple typing lessons for beginners and intermediate users. A dedicated section to practice typing is also present in it. A handy typing speed test to find out your typing speed and accuracy is also present in it. To track their progress, users can use its Statistics tab that shows various statistics about their typing like typing speed, accuracy, error rate, and more.
Fast Type
Fasttype.pro is a very nice online typing tutor for those people who have a little bit of experience in typing. It is a great place to improve your typing speed. The main purpose of this website is to type as fast as possible. The typing exercises are really great. Throughout the exercise, you will get the following information: previous and present typing speed both in Characters per minute (CPM) & Words per minute (WPM), previous and present typing errors. You can hide the virtual keyboard and also change the color of the keyboard.
Mr. Kent
Mr.kent.com is a nice online typing place to learn typing. The site is totally free to use. There is no signing up process. Anybody can try out the lessons provided by the site. The site offers a nice typing tutor. You can choose the lesson and skill level of the tutor. After finishing the lesson, you will get a detailed report of the characters you have typed, number of errors and your accuracy. You can also practice numeric keypad. You can give typing test on both numbers and words.
Top Typer
Toptyper.com is next in our list of online typing tutor. There are two levels of typing: Beginner and advanced. You can view them individually and change their settings too. You can select the practice text or you can easily practice typing with your own text. Just copy and place the text you want to type. You have to register with the website to save your progress. Toptyper will show your numeric values as well as the graphs of typing speed, accuracy and error correction accuracy respectively after the test. It will advise you on which finger to use more prominently.
Typing Certification
Typingcertification.com is another online resource for typing fanatics. It is a very nice place to practice your typing skills. Going by the name of the website, you can easily say that the main focus of this website is certification. The typing certification comes at a cost. For the certification, you need sufficient knowledge of typing. The typing practice set is absolutely free to use, you can practice again and again. The length of the free typing practice exercise is of 30 seconds.
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