10 Best Free Online Paired T-test Calculator Websites
Check out these best free online paired t-test calculator websites. T-test is used to compare the mean of the two groups. In other words, it tells you how significant the difference in the means of two groups is. This test is used for situations where a normal distribution is present but the population variance is unknown. The t-test helps you determine whether the difference in means is by chance. The result of this test is a p-value. This p-value is the probability that the results from your sample data occurred by chance.
This post covers 10 websites where you can perform t-tests online. These websites have dedicated t-test calculators that you can use for free. You can visit any of the calculators and use that to calculate t-tests within minutes. Some of these calculators are quite simple and easy to use. These calculators fulfill the basic needs and give you t-score and p-value for given data. The post also covers sophisticated calculators that come with several additional functions and features. You can go through the post to check these out in detail.
My Favorite Online Paired T-test Calculator
GraphPad.com is my favorite website on this list for paired t-test calculation. This calculator has multiple input methods. This makes it easy to add structured and unstructured data. The results get you the p-value along with the confidence interval of this difference and more. And, you can also use this calculator for unpaired t-tests.
You can also check out our other lists of the best free online AB Test Calculator Websites, and online Growth Rate Calculator Websites, online Political Compass Test Websites.
Table of Content
Calculators | p-value | Multiple Input Data Format | Supports Upaired T-tests |
GraphPad | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
OmniCalculator | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
StatsKingdom | ✓ | x | x |
Meta-Calculator | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
SocSciStatistics | ✓ | x | x |
MathPortal | ✓ | x | ✓ |
PlanetCalc | ✓ | x | x |
AtoZMath | ✓ | x | ✓ |
LearningAboutElectronics | ✓ | x | x |
Statology | ✓ | x | x |
GraphPad.com has a free online t-test calculator. This calculator has four sections to streamline usability. The first section is to select the data format. If you have raw that then you can select any of the first two options. But if you have the mean and SD/SEM and N then you have to go with the respective format option. Then the second section is where you can pick the test type. You can pick from an unpaired t-test, Welch’s unpaired t-test, or paired t-test. The third section is where you actually have to add data from the test. It shows respective input options based on what you picked in the first step. You can add the data and run the test to get the output in the fourth section.
How to calculate paired t-test on GraphPad?
- Go to this t-test calculator using the link given below.
- Choose the data entry format as per the data you have.
- Then select the type of t-test you want to perform.
- Add your data to the calculator and then click the Calculate button.
- This calculator can do unpaired, Welch’s unpaired, and paired t-tests.
- It performs t-tests on raw data or means.
- It supports multiple data entry formats
OmniCalculator.com offers a free online t-test calculator. You can use this calculator for one-sample, two-sample, and paired-sample t-tests. To use this calculator, first, you have to set it up for your test. You can pick the test type and pick the alternative hypothesis. Then the next part is the test detail where you get the approach and t-score. You can pick an approach and add the t-score. You can go with the “p-value” approach or the “critical values” approach. If you don’t have the t-score, you can toggle it to add details to get the t-score first. With that done, the calculator gives you the output covering the p-value.
How to calculate paired t-test on OmniCalculator?
- Open this t-test calculator on OmniCalculator using the direct link given below.
- Choose the test type at the top and pick the alternative hypothesis if required.
- Pick the approach you want to take for the test.
- If you know the t-score, select the respective option and enter the score. Alternatively, fill in the required details to get the score.
- When you do all that, it gives you test results with the p-value.
- This calculator can t-test for one-sample, two-sample, and paired-sample.
- You can calculate t-test from raw data or t-score.
- It has an option to pick an alternative hypothesis for each test type.
- It covers “p-value” and “critical values” approaches.
StatsKingdom.com has a free online paired t-test calculator. This calculator calculates various parameters along with the t-test p-value. It can also calculate the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the outliers. To do that calculation, you start with configurations. Here you can set tails, significance level, effect, outliers, effect type, effect size, and more. Below that, you have to add the data. There are three options to add data. You can add raw data directly, paste it from an Excel sheet, or add summarized data. With that, you can go ahead with the calculations. Along with the results, it also shows steps of calculation along with charts and graphs.
How to calculate paired t-test on StatsKingdom?
- Follow the link given below to open this calculator directly in your browser.
- Adjust the given options to configure the calculator for your t-test.
- Then select the data input format and add your data to the calculator.
- After that, scroll down and click the Calculate button to get the results.
- This calculator calculates paired t-tests.
- It can take data in Excel sheet format.
- It shows the step-by-step calculations.
- This calculator also calculates the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the outliers.
Meta-Calculator.com is another free website with an online paired t-test calculator. This is a simple calculator that can calculate single-sample t-tests, two-sample unpaired t-tests, and two-sample paired t-tests. You have to select the type of test you want to perform and then add your data. There are three ways to add data. You can add raw data in a sheet or you can just add the Mean, SD/SEM, and N values. With that, you can run the calculator and get the results. The results cover the t-score, p-value, standard error of difference, and degrees of freedom. Also, you can pick a confidence interval to get the confidence range as well.
How to calculate paired t-test on Meta-Calculator?
- Open this t-test calculator using the direct link given below.
- Click on the Start Calculator button on the screen.
- On the next screen, select the test type and input method for the data.
- Then add your data to the calculator and click the Analyze button.
- This gets you the t-score and p-value.
- This calculator can perform one-sample, two-sample paired & two-sample unpaired t-tests.
- It works with raw data as well as summarized data.
- Along with the t-score and p-value, it also determines the confidence range.
SocSciStatistics.com offers a free online t-test calculator. This is a simple calculator where you can perform one-tailed hypothesis and two-tailed hypothesis calculations. You can pick the desired option and set the Significance Level. Then you can simply add the raw data to the calculator and get the p-value. In the case of the two-tailed hypothesis, it also gives you the difference scores of two data.
How to calculate paired t-test on SocSciStatistics?
- Follow the direct link given below to access this calculator.
- Add the raw data into the calculator.
- Then select the Significance level and hypothesis type.
- After that, click the Calculate button to get the results.
- This calculator can perform one-tailed and two-tailed hypothesis t-tests.
- It works with raw data only.
- Along with the p-value, it also determines the difference scores.
MathPortal.org has a free online t-test calculator that you can use for free. The interface of this calculator is minimal and clean. It can perform two-sample t-tests and one-sample t-tests. You can select the type of test you want to perform. As per the test type, you get four additional parameters that you have to pick. This includes Group description, Number of tails, Significance Level, and paired or unpaired test. You can configure these parameters as per your requirement and get t-score and p-value.
How to calculate paired t-test on MathPortal?
- Use the link given below to access this calculator directly.
- Select the test type and then add the raw data to the calculator.
- Configure the other test parameters as per your needs.
- After that, click the Find t and p-value button to get the results.
- This calculator can perform one-tailed and two-tailed hypothesis t-tests.
- It works with raw data only.
- It can perform Welch’s unpaired t-test.
- Along with the p-value, it also determines the t-score and difference scores.
PlanetCalc.com also has a free online paired t-test calculator. This calculator opens with a preset of a pair of A and B. You can simply replace the sample data of that pair with your data and go on with the calculation. The results give you the t-value, Mean of sample differences, the Estimated standard deviation of means, Directional hypothesis level of confidence, and Non-directional hypothesis level of confidence. From there, you can share the calculation online or save it to your PlanetCalc account.
How to calculate paired t-test on PlanetCalc?
- Open this calculator in your browser using the link given below.
- Add the data for a pair of A and B in the calculator.
- After that, click the Calculate button to get the results.
- This calculator can perform paired t-tests.
- It works with raw data only.
- Along with the t-value, it also determines the Means and Lever of Confidence.
AtoZMath.com is another website where you can get an online t-test calculator. This calculator comes with multiple sample tests that you can run and analyze. But you can also add your own data and run the calculation. For that, you can pick the Significance Level along with the hypothesis. With that, it gets you the results covering step-by-step solution.
How to calculate paired t-test on StatsKingdom?
- Follow the link given below to open this calculator directly in your browser.
- Add the data to the calculator and pick the Significance Level and hypothesis.
- After that, click the Find button to get the results.
- This calculator calculates one-tailed and two-tailed paired t-tests.
- It takes the raw data and also fill-in sample data.
- It shows the step-by-step calculations.
LearningAboutElectronics.com is a simple paired t-test calculator. This calculator opens with a two-cell layout. You can directly add your test data there. Initially, it shows 10 data slots for two samples. But you can add more slots if required. After adding the data, you can run the calculator to get the Test Statistic. Along with the Test Statistic, it also determines the Mean of All Paired Differences, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error and shows that on the screen.
How to calculate paired t-test on LearningAboutElectronics?
- Use the link given below to access this calculator directly.
- Add the data to the calculator and click the Solve button to get the results.
- This calculator performs paired t-tests.
- It works with raw data only.
- It also calculates the Mean of All Paired Differences, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error.
Statology.org is yet another website where you can calculate t-test online. This simple calculator can help you find the t-score, p-value, and mean of all paired differences. It calculates the p-value for one-tailed and two-tailed. All you have to do is enter the data into the calculator. It has two boxes for both samples. You can simply add the data in the boxes and run the calculator to get the results.
How to calculate paired t-test on Statology.org?
- Follow the link given below to open this calculator in your browser.
- Add the data in Sample 1 and Sample 2 boxes.
- After that, click the Calculate button to get the results.
- This calculator performs paired t-tests.
- It works with raw data only.
- It gives the one-tailed p-value and two-tailed p-value, and t-score.
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