6 Free Online Email Signature Generator Websites
Here is a list of the best free online email signature generator websites. An email signature is a type of digital signature including your details and contact information. It can include name, job title, business/company, photo/logo, and social links. An email signature generator simplifies the process of making email signatures. It can turn your plain details into a signature that you can just copy and paste. Most email services lack the functionality to make an elegant-looking email signature. Instead, you can use these websites to create a stylish email signature and add it to your email account just by a simple copy-paste.
These websites are quite similar in most cases. You can add your personal and business details in simple text. You can add a profile picture, brand logo, social links, and other details. Some websites offer more signature styles to choose from with additional customization options. With that, you can create an email signature as per your liking. And the optional how-to guide can help you add the signature to the email platform you use.
My Favorite Online Email Signature Generator
Mail Signature is my favorite online email signature website. The reason for that is it generates signatures as per the email platforms. You can pick the email platform you use and generate a signature for that. It also provides a guide to add the signature to your email account. Along with that, it has simple interfacing packing all the necessary as well as additional features. You can pick a signature style from dozens of options, add your details, and customize the various aspects of the signature.
You can also check out our lists of the best free Email Signature Generator Software for Windows, Email Management Software For Windows, and Email Extractor Software For Windows.
Mail Signature
Mail Signature is a free email signature generator website. This website can generate email signatures for Outlook, Gmail, Office365, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Exchange Server, and Exchange Online. You can start by picking a platform of your choice. Then you can pick a customizable design style from dozens of options. The next step is to add the personal and company data via plain text fields. You can also add a company logo and banner with links to URLs. When your email signature is ready, it gives you an option to copy the signature followed by a guide to add that signature to the email platform you selected.
Main Features:
- Generate email signatures for various email platforms.
- Dozens of email signature styles with further customizations.
- Add personal and company data using text fields.
- Add company logo and banner each with a linked URL.
- Pick the and font face and font colors of your choice.
- Copy the Email Signature with guides for application.
HubSpot Email Signature Generator
HubSpot offers an online email signature generator tool that you can use for free. This tool is quite simple to use. It offers 6 email signature templates featuring different layouts and styles. You can start by picking a template that you want to use. Next comes the editor where you can change the template to make it your email signature. The editor shows a live preview of the design with 4 tabs for editing. The first tab is for the templates again. Then the second tab is for the text where you can edit any details in the plain text field. The third tab is where you change the colors of the design. And you can add a profile picture, brand logo, and a custom Call To Action in the fourth tab. After designing the signature, the next step asks for mailing information before moving to the output. Then, you can copy the signature directly, copy the signature source code, and email it.
Main Features:
- 6 different types of email signature templates to choose from.
- Add all the details via simple text fields.
- Add a profile picture, company logo, and a custom Call To Action.
- Customize the theme, font, and link color along with font face and font size.
- Options to Copy Signature, Copy Signature Source Code, and Email Signature.
Wise Stamp
Wise Stamp is a free online email signature generator website. This website has a simple editor where you can customize the signature with a live preview. You can add your details by typing in plain text with optional custom data fields. You can upload a still or animated profile picture for the signature. Most customization options are under the paid plan but you do get to choose a style from two options. The unique feature of this website is app integration. This app integration allows you to add signoff, quote, footer, video, and other types of data to the signature. To get the signature, you have to login in with your Google account. When you do that, it automatically assigns the signature to the associated email account with options for other email platforms as well.
Main Features:
- 2 free signature styles to choose from.
- Put in all the details in one place via text fields and add a profile picture.
- Option to ass additional data fields.
- Add links to your social media platforms.
- App integration to add style signoff, quote, green footer, video, etc. to the signature.
- Options to add your icon and custom the signature style are paid.
- Automatically add the email signature to Gmail.
Coco Sign
Coco Sign is a free email signature generator website. This has an engaging and colorful interface that packs a simple email signature generator. It shows a live preview of the signature with 6 styles to choose from. Then there are fours tabs to add data, logo/image, social links, and customize the style. In the end, you can copy the signature directly to your clipboard. Then you can paste the signature to add your email account. This website offers guides for Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and Apple Mail to add the signature on the respective platforms.
Main Features:
- 6 different types of email signature styles to choose from.
- Custom signature style by changing the colors and font.
- Add all the details using simple text fields.
- Upload profile picture or a logo.
- Include your social media links.
- Copy the signature directly to your clipboard with guides to add to Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and Apple Mail.
HoneyBook is a free website that offers a free online email signature generator tool. This website is quite simple in terms of features. It has simple text fields where you can add your personal and business information along with a profile picture. The profile picture must be under the 100×100 pixels limit. You can also add links to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and other popular platforms. This way, you can design your email signature. However, there is no direct option to download or copy the signature. You have to mention your email on the website then it emails the signature on the mentioned email address.
Main Features:
- 8 different styles of email signatures to choose from.
- Add all the details via simple text fields.
- Add a profile picture to the signature.
- Include your social media links to popular platforms.
- Mention your email address to get the signature emailed to you.
My Signature
My Signature is a free online email signature generator website. This website allows you to create and keep one signature for free. So you can still create multiple signatures but you edit the previous one or delete the previous one for a fresh start. In terms of the signature design, it offers 4 styles with very limited customization options. You can add your personal data, photo, and change font. You can also add social media links. It lets you add multiple links with logos of over 50 popular platforms. The final signature has a branding that can only be removed by taking a paid plan.
Main Features:
- Pick signature appearance from 4 style options.
- Add all the details via simple text fields.
- Upload your profile picture or brand logo and change the font.
- Add links to over 50 social media platforms with their logo.
- Use add-ons to embed video, signoff, green message, etc.
- Brand logo in the final signature.
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