45 Best Free Color Picker Software
Here are 45 best free color picker software. These color picker software let you get the color of any pixel on your screen easily. All these color picker software are completely free and can be downloaded to Windows PC. These color picker software offer various features, like: capture color of any pixel from your screen, shows the value of the selected color in RGB, HEX, HTML, CMYK, VB, C++, Delphi and in many other formats, provides color code info for graphics designers and web designers, also gives XY position of your mouse pointer and more. So, go through this list of free color picker software and see which ones you like the most.
Peacock Color Picker
Peacock Color Picker is a free software that lets you get the color of any pixel on your screen. You can capture your screen color by clicking and holding your mouse on Capture Color From Screen button and dragging your mouse to the desired location. When you release the mouse button, it captures the exact pixel color for you. You can save it as a color scheme. It shows the value of that color in RGB, HEX, HTML, VB, C++ and in many other formats as these values are required by graphic designers and web designers.
Absolute Color Picker
Absolute Color Picker is a free color picker software. It is very helpful for web designers for converting colors into HTML based HEX format. It also shows the color value in RGB and HSB format. You can also fetch the value of any color on your screen by using it. It saves the history of selected colors and it has 12 slots where you can save them.
Color Seizer
Color Seizer is a free color picker tool. To find ideal color for programmers and web masters is a difficult process. You can grab any color of your screen with the help of it and get the RGB, HTML, C++, Delphi, HSL, and Visual basic code value of the grabbed color. You can get the code of exact matching color.
Quick HTML Color Picker
Quick HTML Color Picker is a free color picker tool for Windows. You can pick any color from your computer screen. It picks the color for you and shows you the RGB and HTML code of that color. These code values are very important for web designers as they use them in their coding. It is very small in size and is easy to use.
Screen Color Picker
Screen Color Picker is a free and simple color picker tool. It lets you pick any color from the screen. You have to hold your mouse over the desired color and press enter to pick that color. It gives the RGB, HSL, CMYK and HEX values codes for picked color and these values can be copied to the clipboard.
Pixie is a tiny, fast, and easy to use color picker software. It shows you the value of color in HEX, HTML, RGB, CMYK, and HSV format. It also shows you the current position of mouse pointer in pixels. It supports shortcut keys, and you can copy the HTML code value of a color by using its shortcut key. It also has a magnifier and color mixer.
Color Detector
Color Detector is a free color picker software for Windows. It detects the color where your mouse pointer is presently at. It gives the value of the color in RGB and HEX code format and also the name of the color in plain English if possible. You can copy the current color values in HEX and RGB by pressing F6 and F7 keys respectively. It also gives the XY position of your mouse pointer. You can freeze or unfreeze the current color stats by pressing the F5 key.
ColorSpy is a color picker tool for Windows. It lets you know the color value of any pixel in RGB and HTML code on your computer screen. You can use it to convert the color code from RGB to HTML and HTML to RGB. You can copy these values by clicking on the links at bottom of each value. To use it first you have to click on the default blue box on its screen and drag your mouse over the desired location. It comes as a single executable and doesn’t require installation.
ColorBug is a free color picker software for Windows. You can take the snap shot of any area of your screen and analyze it deeply for particular color. It gives you the HTML, HEX, RGB, C++, Visual Studio, and Inkscape code values of your selected color. It comes as both portable and installable version. It is easy to use software.
Instant Eyedropper
Instant Eyedropper is a free color picker software. You can copy the color code of any pixel on your screen. It lets you copy the color code in HTML, HEX, Delphi, VB, RGB, or HSB format. To copy the color code, move your mouse pointer to its icon in the system tray. Now press and hold the left mouse button and move your mouse over the pixel whose color you want to know. Now release the mouse button, the color code is now copied to the clipboard.
ZZOOM is actually a multipurpose tool for Windows. It has screen magnifier, color picker, and image grabber tool. To use it as a color picker move your mouse over the desired pixel. It shows you the RGB and HTML code of the pixel where your mouse is. It is very tiny software and doesn’t require installation.
ColorMania is a free color picker for Windows. It lets you preview, identify, test, and organize color code values. It uses eye dropper tool to pick any color from your screen. It has a screen magnifier which makes color picking easier. You can export or import color pallets. Web designers and graphic designer require pixel level accuracy, so it is nice software for them to identify any pixel color code.
Color Cop
Color Cop is a free color picker software for Windows. It has an eye dropper tool that let you know the exact value of color pixel on your screen. To use it, click and hold the left mouse button and release it on the desired pixel of whose color code you want to know. It has various options, and they can be found by right-clicking on its interface. You can change default code modes from HTML Hex to Delphi Hex, Visual C++ Hex, and to many more.
Just Color Picker
Just Color Picker is a simple color picker tool. You can get the color code value of any pixel by hovering your mouse on any part of the screen. You can get the color code value in HTML, HSB/ HSV, HEX, RGB, and HSL format. It comes as a single executable and doesn’t require installation and can be used as a portable program. It also saves the list of selected colors by using Alt + X shortcut.
Moo0 ColorPicker
Moo0 ColorPicker is a free color picker software. It lets you pick any color from your screen easily. To use it, hover your mouse on the desired pixel and press ALT key. It then fetches that color for you. You can now copy the selected colors HTML code. The program supports various languages and has many skins.
RGB Color Picker
RGB Color Picker is a free color picker utility. You can pick any color from your screen by clicking and dragging its button over the desired pixel. Release the mouse over the desired pixel and it will fetch the code value of that pixel. It shows the color code in RGB and HEX format. You can copy the color code to the clipboard by using Copy to Clipboard command from Edit menu.
ColorPic is a free screen picker software for Windows. It lets you grab any color from your screen. You can grab up to 16 colors. To grab a color click on any empty chips box and hover your mouse on the desired pixel and press Ctrl + G button from your keyboard. It shows you the color code in HSV, RGB, and HTML format. You can create your own color palette with your grabbed colors.
Instant Color Picker
Instant Color Picker is a free color picker tool for Windows. You can pick any color from your screen with the help of it. It has an eyedropper tool with which you can pick color. Click and hold this eyedropper and release it at the desired color pixel to grab the color. It copies the color value in various formats including RGB, HEX, HSV, CMYK, Delphi, VB, VC++, Action Script etc. You can export your color palette also.
Color Archiver
Color Archiver is a free utility which acts as your color diary. It has a color picker with 1x-16x magnifier. You can capture any color from the screen by using its eyedropper. You can click and hold the eyedropper tool and release the mouse button over the desired pixel, and it will fetch that color. It shows you the value of color code in different formats including RGB, CMYK, Web, HEX, and LONG etc.
DCPicker is a free and easy to use software to pick any color from the screen. You can capture any screen color by using its eyedropper tool by clicking and holding it over the desired color and releasing the mouse on it. It can automatically save the colors to history file. It gives you the RGB, HSL, and HTML code of the selected color. You can convert values between these color codes too.
The Color Picker
The Color Picker is a free color picker software. It is very tiny in size and is easy to use. To use it click on the eyedropper tool and move your mouse over the desired color pixel on your screen and now click once over that pixel and click Stop Picking Color button. It will grab a color for you and can get the RGB and HEX value of that color. It saves all the grabbed colors in color palette.
Pixa is a free color picker software. You can identify any color code from your screen by moving your mouse over the desired color pixel. It shows the color code in various popular formats including HEX, HTML, RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL and many more. You can easily copy these values using shortcut keys. When you hover your mouse over the program, it shows all the shortcut keys to capture the color in desired color code format. It also shows you the XY position of your mouse.
Pipette is a free color picker. You can use it by clicking Pipette button and holding the left mouse button, now move your mouse over the desired color pixel and release the left mouse button. It will copy that particular color to its list. You can save the picked colors as color list in txt format. You can pick colors from anywhere from your screen.
AptColor is a free and easy to use color picker tool for Web designers and programmers. It lets you pick any color from your screen. It has an eyedropper tool which lets you choose the desired color. It also has a magnifier and WebSafe color palette. It shows you the value of color code in RGB, HTML, Hexdecimal, and Decimal format.
Tafayor ColorPicker
Tafayor ColorPicker is a free screen color picker tool. It is a valuable tool for webmasters and developers. It is easy to use, just hover the mouse over the desired color and press Ctrl + G key to grab a color. It shows the color code values in HEX, RGB, and HSL format. It also gives you the XY position value of your mouse.
AIColorPicker is a tiny utility to pick colors from the screen. To pick a color click on the empty chips box and hover the mouse over the desired color and press Ctrl + G key to grab that color. You can create your own color palette too. It has a magnifier for capturing colors more accurately. It show the color code in RGB and HSL format.
Colors Minilab
Colors MiniLab is a simple and easy to use tool that can be used as a color picker. To use it, click ‘Pick a color from desktop’ button and move your mouse over the desired color and press Enter key. It save the color and shows you its code in HTML, RGB, and HSL format. It has a RGB and HSL mixer also. It doesn’t require installation.
My Vertical Color Picker
My Vertical Color Picker is a free color picker software for Windows. It lets you perform various functions like select colors, drag color chips, add text to each color chip, and many more. You can grab any color from your screen. To grab any color from screen click magnifier icon and hover your mouse over the desired color and press Ctrl key. To use this feature magnifier window must be an active window.
Quick Color Picker
Quick Color Picker is a free software to extract colors from your screen. It can automatically extract colors with the movement of your mouse. It can show the color values in various formats including RGB, HTML, Delphi, HSL, HEX, HSV/HSB. You can save color values in BMP, Excel, or in TXT format. It also has a magnifying glass for more accuracy.
Corante Color Picker
Corante Color Picker is a free color picker software. You can use it for capturing any color from your screen. Use its eyedropper tool and move it over the desired color and press Space key to capture the color. It shows the color codes in various formats including HTML, C++, Java, HSB, RGB, Decimal format. You can save and export color palette into .ACO and .GPL formats.
Color Picker and Palette
Color Picker and Palette is a free color picker and color palette software. You can pick any color from your screen by holding down and dragging your mouse over the desired color. It shows the color code values in HTML, RGB, and HEX format. It also has a color palette with various colors with their names. You can customize your own colors too.
Screen ColorPicker
Screen ColorPicker is a free tool for picking colors from your screen. You can pick any color from your screen by using it. It shows the color in various formats like HMTL, Integer, C++, Flash, VB, Delphi, RGB, RGB Float. You can save the grabbed color in a list. You can adjust Red, Green, and Blue values to make your own color. It also shows the mouse position (XY) value.
Colour Picker
Colour Picker is a free color picker software. To use it click ‘Select to toggle record status’ button and drag your mouse over the desired color and click the mouse once to stop the capturing process. It is a very simple application. It shows the color code in HTML format. The color code can be copied to clipboard easily.
uToolbox ColorPicker
uToolbox Color Picker is a free color picker software. It lets you pick any color from your screen. You can click and hold on eyedropper tool and move your mouse over the desired color and release the mouse button. It will capture the color for you. It shows the color code in HTML, C++, and RGB format. It doesn’t require installation and can be used as portable software.
Aquarelle Picker
Aquarelle Picker is a small software for picking color from the screen. You can move the mouse over the desired color and press the desired hotkey to get its code value in various formats according to key pressed. It shows the color code values in RGB, HTML, HSB, LAB, and CMYK format. It also shows the XY position of your mouse on the screen.
ColorPicker is a free color picker software for Windows. It comes with a floating interface that users can place on any part of the screen. By selecting its Pick Color tool, users can now choose any color present on the screen to view its RGB color code and shade. The entire interface of this software works like a shade card as it displays the same color picked by the user. A color shading panel to view the color code of various common colors is also present.
This software also comes with RGB sliders that allow users to create custom colors by changing the intensity of Red, Green, and Blue sliders. If users like a certain color, then they can name and bookmark that color under its Colors book section. Overall, it is another good online color picker software that offers all the necessary tools to pick colors and view their RGB color code values.
Free Color Picker
Free Color Picker is another free color picker software for Windows. It comes in a portable package that doesn’t need installation to work. Using this software, users can capture multiple colors from the screen using the F4 button. Plus, users can view RGB, HSL CSS, HSL WIN, Pascal HEX, etc., color codes of captured colors.
A magnifier window is also provided by it that helps users select the right colors from the screen. To copy captured colors, users need to use F3 key. A handy tool to save the preview of the magnifier window as PNG is also available. Overall, it is another good color picker software.
Pixeur is another free color picker software for Windows. Using this software, users can quickly pick any color present on the screen to view their RGB, HSB, and CMYK color codes. It also offers a color palette from where users can pick any color. The good thing about this software is its ability to create a list of all the selected colors that can be exported in color history file format.
An only web colors option to select web-compatible colors is also available. Overall, it is another capable yet simple-to-use color picker software that anyone can use to pick any color from the screen.
Visual Color Picker
Visual Color Picker is yet another free color picker software for Windows. Like other similar software, it can also pick any color from the screen and highlight its RGB values. Apart from RGB, it also shows Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Cyan, Magenta, etc., values present in the selected color. A separate HTML color code is also provided by it.
This website also offers a separate color preview section that shows the selected color shade. It also highlights the look of different color text over the selected color sample. In the preview section, users can also create a collection of custom colors picked from the screen. Overall, it is another good color picker software that anyone can use to find out the color code of any color.
CPick is a free color picker software for Windows. This software comes with a floating interface that users can place on any part of this screen. Now, to pick a color from the screen, users need to use its Click and Drag tool. After selecting a color, users can view its RGB and HSV color values. Users can also modify the RGB and HSV colors using the available sliders. A handy web-safe tool is also present that helps users find out colors that are optimum for websites.
It also lets users create and maintain a list of custom colors. Besides this, multiple additional tools are also present like Color List, Copy Image to Clipboard, Copy Color to Clipboard, etc. In general, it is a simple and effective color picker software for Windows users.
Hex Color Finder 3
Hex Color Finder 3 is another free color picker software for Windows. It helps users grab RGB colors from the screen. It immediately shows the RGB and Hex color values of the picked colors. It also offers Red, Green, and Blue sliders to adjust the color values. I also like its ability to locally save all the picked colors that users can later recall when they want.
Like many other similar color picker software, it also comes with a floating interface that can be placed on any part of the screen, Users can also choose to pin its interface if they want. In terms of additional features, it contains a manipulation tool that lets users adjust the brightness, darkness, and contrast of the selected color.
GetColor! Is a simple lightweight color picker software for Windows. This software contains an eye dropper tool that allows users to pick colors from the screen. As soon as users pick a color, it shows its shade and provides RGB HEX, RGB Dec, RGB HTML, and System Color values. Users can copy all the color codes using the copy icon. Although, it doesn’t let users adjust color parameters or save them as preset.
Overall, it is one of the most straightforward color picker software to quickly pick colors and view their RGB codes.
Pickard is another free color picker software for Windows. It is another good software through which users can pick a custom color from the screen and view its RGB Code, HSL Code, CMY Code, and YCbCr code. A Spectrum tab containing a color palette is also available from where users can pick colors and view their codes.
This software also lets users convert a selected color code to Delphi, HTML, C++, Advanced SSA, and USF color string formats. In general, it is another good color picker software that offers all the necessary tools to find out the color codes of any color.
Colorcop is another free color picker software for Windows. This software offers a simple color picker tool with a zoom function. Through its zoom function, users can select an area to zoom in on it. After that, users can select any color without much hassle. As soon as users select a color, they can view its RGB and HEX values.
A Custom color section with a color palette ad hue control is present. This section allows users to create a custom color palette consisting of colors that users often use.
Colora is the last free color picker software for Windows. Using this software, users can pick a color and view its HEX and RGB code. It also lets offers color models through which users can adjust the Red, Green, Blue, Hue, Saturation, etc., color parameters. A list of colors can also be created that users can quickly access from the Color History.
This software also lets users copy and save the color codes of picked colors. In general, it is another capable color picker software that anyone can use with ease.
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