26 Best Free JPG To PDF Converter Software For Windows
Here are 26 best free JPG to PDF converter software. These JPG to PDF converter software let you convert JPG files to PDF format easily. All these JPG to PDF programs are available free to download for your Windows PC. These have various features, like: convert JPG image(s) to PDF in a batch mode, some convert each image to separate PDF, or some let you convert multiple JPG images to a single PDF, some let you resize the images in output PDF, supports other image formats too; like BMP, GIF, PNG, TIF, JPEG, TIFF etc., some let you encrypt PDF with password, and more.
You can also try these best free PDF to JPG, PDF Printers and Sticky Notes software.
Here are the Best Free JPG To PDF Converter Software for Windows:
JPG To PDF is a very simple and small program for converting JPG images into PDF format. It works very fast and is easy to use. You can add single file at a time or multiple files from selected folder (batch convert). You can reorder the JPG images. You can change its settings to create each JPG as a separate PDF or multiple JPG files to single PDF. Other supported input image formats are TIF, BMP, GIF, and PNG.
ImBatch is a versatile program for various batch processes including converting JPG to PDF. It works very fast and you can add various tasks to the list. You can convert multiple JPG images to single PDF or each JPG image to a separate PDF file. You can add metadata to the PDF files before starting the batch process. It has various tasks to choose from and you can make a combination of tasks as per your needs. You have to choose “Save To PDF” command from “Save” task button for the selected images.
Atop Free JPG to PDF Converter
Atop Free JPG to PDF Converter is an easy to use tool for making PDF files from your favorite JPG images. You can add files or folders to its list for conversion purpose. You can reorder the images according to the need. It creates a single PDF file from multiple JPG images you select. You can change output file name and output directory according to your choice. Supports only JPG or JPEG image format.
Leaf is a simple to use program that lets you apply various effects before loading any image. You can paint them back to their original color later. With the help of this software you can also convert JPG images to PDF files. Just drag and drop an image to its main window and paint it back or apply the desired effect and click “Save As PDF” button to save your PDF file.
JPG to PDF Converter
JPG to PDF Converter is a free software that lets you convert your favorite JPG files into PDF format. You can add files or folder to its list for conversion. It doesn’t require Adobe Acrobat for conversion process. You can choose the same or different output folder for the converted PDF file(s). It works fast and easily. It can batch convert the JPG to PDF. But it creates one PDF file per JPG.
HeliosPaint is a free image editing program. You can use this program to open JPG files and convert them to PDF by using its “Export To PDF” feature. It converts JPG and other various image formats to PDF files easily with good quality. You can choose the JPEG format quality for conversion either 100% or 75%. The program has various image editing features also. You can say that it is a nice tool for converting JPG to PDF format.
JPEG2PDF is an open source, very small (just 18 KB in ZIP archive), fast, and easy to use command line tool for converting JPG images into PDF file. You can run this free tool from command prompt to easily convert all or single JPG image to PDF. You have to use the correct syntax for the required result. For e.g. to convert all the images into one single PDF file you can use: “jpeg2pdf *.jpg -o myFile.pdf” without quotes at the command prompt in the same directory where the program and JPG files are. You can use other parameters also by taking the help from this program.
Artweaver Free
Artweaver Free lets you convert your JPG image to PDF format. You can open JPG image through this program and use Export -> PDF command from the File menu. It converts one image per PDF (no batch process is available). Supports other various common image formats for converting them to PDF. Some supported formats are: BMP, TIF, PSD, GIF, PCX, PNG etc.
JPG_to_PDF alpha
JPG_to_PDF alpha is an open source command line utility for creating PDF file from JPG files present in the folder. To automatically convert your current folders JPG images into one single PDF; paste the Executable in your current folder and run it. A PDF file with current folder name will be created in seconds. You can run this program by double clicking on it too.
Free Image Convert and Resize
Free Image Convert and Resize lets you to convert your JPG images from specified folder to PDF files. To make PDFs from JPG images selected you have to choose the PDF from “To format” dropdown list from “Resize and convert”. You can resize the output file in pixels, in percentage, or can choose from predefined profile. This program also lets you rename files according to rules you set.
Image to PDF alpha
Image to PDF alpha is a Java based command line tool to convert JPG images to PDFs. It has various command line options for rotation etc. You can create PDF from one image or from multiple JPG images. For e.g. if you want to create a PDF file from two images; you can use this simple syntax at command prompt: “img2pdf -landscape 1.jpg -landscape 2.jpg myPDF.pdf” without quotes. Image files and executable must be present in the same directory to use the above command.
Images To PDF Converter alpha
Images To PDF Converter alpha is a Java based open source program that lets you convert JPG and other supported formats to PDF format. It can create single multipage PDF file from images present in given folder. To use it run JAR file from the extracted folder. You can try various settings for output as per needs. After applying settings you can click “Generate pdf” button to get your PDF.
J2P is a Java based very small utility to convert your JPG, BMP, and/or PNG files to a single PDF file by combining them. It has an explorer like interface and you can select folder and then files to convert from its top left pane. You can set the quality of the exporting images by moving the slider. You can rearrange the order of images also after adding them to the list.
JPEG to PDF is a simple and easy to use tool for creating PDF files from JPG images. Support other popular image formats including GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, WMF, EMF etc. It has an option to create a single PDF file from multiple images or multiple PDF files from multiple images. As it is a single executable file and does not require installation; so you can use it as a portable program also. Also it is small in size (just 82 KB).
Image to PDF Converter Free
Image to PDF Converter Free by PDFArea is a simple to use program that lets you convert your favorite JPG images to PDF file. It supports tons of other image formats too. You can add and reorder the images in the list. Clicking Convert button you will be able to save the PDF file in the desired location. PDF created from multiple images are multi page PDFs. The program has five beautiful skins for user interface.
All to Pdf Converter 3000
All to Pdf Converter 3000 lets you create PDF file(s) from your JPG images or from other various file formats. You can add files or folders to its list. Now click Convert button to start the process of converting. You can change its setting to create one PDF per image or one PDF for multiple images you select.
Batch Image To PDF
Batch Image To PDF is a free program to convert various types of image file formats to PDF form. It lets you convert your JPG images into PDF format also. It creates one PDF per JPG image (multipage PDF is not supported in this free version). Other supported formats are: PNG, BMP, ICO, GIF, WMF, EMF, TIF etc. The program has easy to understand user interface.
PDF Gallery
PDF Gallery is a nice freeware that lets you convert your images (JPG, JPEG, PNG, and/or BMP) to PDF format. You can add images or folder with images to its list to convert. Also lets you reorder the images. You can save every image to a separate PDF file or merge all images to a single PDF file from the Options tab. After changing the desired settings you can click “Make PDF” tab and click “Make PDF” button to create the desired PDF.
Free Image to PDF Converter
Free Image to PDF Converter is a simple JPG to PDF converter software. It supports other input image formats also including BMP, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PNG. It converts the images to PDF form single image, multiple images, single folder, or from multiple folders to the desired location. It converts multiple images to separate PDFs. The program has a user friendly interface and is easy to understand.
EasyFast Images 2 PDF Converter
EasyFast Images 2 PDF Converter is a freeware that lets you convert your JPG or PNG images into PDF files. After selecting images you can click “Fast Convert” button to start the process. It creates a multipage PDF file from multiple images you choose. The program has simple user interface and is easy to use.
Weeny Free Image to PDF Converter
Weeny Free Image to PDF Converter is a versatile program to convert your images including JPGs to PDF easily. Supports numerous formats; some are: TIF, GIF, BMP, PCX, WMF, EMF, TGA, PSD etc. You can add the meta data information to the output PDF file too. It has various other useful settings that you can use as per your needs. It automatically gives the name to the PDF files in the selected directory.
JPGasPDF is a simple to use JPG to PDF converting tool for Windows. With the help of this program you can batch convert multiple JPG files into one single PDF file. It has a small preview window on its interface. You can use drag and drop to reorder the images. It does not require installation after extracting from ZIP file and can be used as a portable program. This program is free for non-commercial use.
JPEG to PDF Converter
JPEG to PDF Converter is a simple to use application that lets you create PDF from the JPG files you select. You can add images from multiple folders and can rearrange their order. On clicking “Create PDF” button it creates a single PDF for you from your images in a few seconds.
Note: This is an ad supported installation and care should be taken at the time of installation.
PDFdu Free Image To PDF
PDFdu Free Image To PDF is a useful and easy to use free software that lets you create PDF file(s) from the JPG images you select. It has various useful features including watermarking and encrypting the output PDF with password. It has an option to create multiple PDFs for each JPG or single PDF for all JPGs. Also supports BMP, DIB, JFIF, JPE, JPEG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, and PNG format as input for PDF.
Convert JPG EMF to PDF
Convert JPG EMF to PDF is a free program that lets you convert JPG, JPEG, or EMF files to PDF format. Each selected file is converted into separate PDF file by using this software. You can select the output directory and it will put the converted PDFs to this directory after completing the process.
PNG to PDF is a freeware that lets you convert your JPG images to PDF format. Supported input formats are: PNG, BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIF, and TIFF. It creates separate PDF files for each selected image in the output folder. You can arrange the images according to choices given in the dropdown list. Click Convert button to complete the process.
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