9 Best Free Open Source Log Viewer Software For Windows

Here is a list of best free open source log viewer software for Windows. These open source software are completely free and you can also download and study their source codes. Plus, you can also make changes to the source codes of these log viewers, if you want.

Through these software, you can view log records present in log files. In some of these software, you can even view active log files that are continuously updated by programs or applications. To improve the overall log file viewing experience, these viewers provide various tools like search, filter, highlight, bookmark, etc. The Search and Filter tools are two important features of these software that lets you filter out or find a specific record from a log file. Plus, options to make both the case sensitive and case insensitive searches are also provided by these log viewers.

In some of these log viewers, you can also find a multi-tab or multi-window interface that enables you to view and analyze multiple log files at a time. After viewing and analyzing log files, you can save them in the same log file format or in TXT, FTL, etc., formats. Apart from primary tools, these viewers also offer additional tools like Encoding (to change default encoding format), Save Session, Export Bookmark, etc. In general, all of these open source log viewers are feature rich and quite simple to use. Go through the list to know more about these software.

My Favorite Open Source Log Viewer Software For Windows:

Advanced Log Viewer is my favorite software because it can handle large and active log files. Plus, all other essential log viewing tools like search, filters, find text, etc., are also present in it.

You can also check out lists of best free Log ViewerOpen Source STEP File Viewer, and Open Source Journal software for Windows.

Advanced Log Viewer

Advanced Log Viewer is a free open source log viewer software for Windows. In it, you can easily view both the small and large log files without much hassle. Plus, it also lets you view active log files. Besides this, other useful features like filter, search, highlight, etc., to quickly find desired data from a log file is also provided by it.

Main Features:

  • Auto Refresh: This feature automatically refreshes the log file to fetch and show you new entries of an active log file.
  • Filter: This software provides an advanced filter that allows you to filter out a specific entry that falls between any two dates.
  • Find Text: Through this feature, you can make both the case sensitive and case insensitive text searches.
  • Save: After viewing and analyzing the text file data, you can use this feature to save the log data in the same or in a new log file.

Additional Features:

  • Merge: As its name implies, it is used to merge two similar log files to make a new log file.
  • Switch Instances: Use this feature to quickly switch between multiple instances of this software.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free open source log viewer software in which you can view and analyze active log files.

Log Wizard

Log Wizard is another free open source log viewer software for Windows. This software is specially designed to find reports and errors present in a log file. In this feature-rich log viewer software, you can find various handy tools that allow you to find all relevant data from a log file as quickly as possible. Now, check out the main features of this software.

Main Features:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: In this log viewer, you can also view active logs of various applications that regularly update their logs.
  • Filter: In this software, you can quickly filter out words and phrases present in a log file multiple times. Plus, you can also assign a color scheme over the filtered results so that you can quickly identify them while browsing a log file.
  • Easy to Switch: This software saves the path of all the logs accessed by you, thus by going to the history section of this software, you can quickly switch to any previous log.
  • Hotkeys: In this software, you can set a hotkey for all the features of this software to quickly access and use any feature that you want without using the mouse.
  • Database Support: This software can also be used to read databases like MSSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Bonus, etc.
  • Auto Saving: This feature automatically saves all the changes at regular intervals.

Final Thoughts:

This open source log viewer software offers many advanced features that allow you to work with both active and standard log files.


glogg is yet another free open source log viewer software for Windows, macOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and Arch Linux. In it, you can view small as well as large log files. It also lets you open multiple log files at a time on its multi-tab interface. Plus, other important features namely filters and search are also present in it.

Main Features:

  • Filters: Using it, you can find all the matching patterns present in a log file.
  • Search: This feature lets you make both the case sensitive and case insensitive search to find a specific record.
  • Line Numbers: By enabling this feature, you can add line numbers before the lines of each log record.

Additional Features:

  • Encoding: Using it, you can change the default encoding format of a log file to either ASCII/  ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8.

Final Thoughts:

It is a good open source log viewer software in which you can view log records and quickly find desired log records and patterns.


LogViewer is the next free open source log viewer software for Windows. It is also a lightweight and portable log viewer software that you can directly use from a portable storage device as it does not need installation to work. In it, you can view logs present in LOG and TXT files. On its multi-tab interface, you can open and view multiple logs files at a time. To find and locate a specific log record, it provides multiple search features.

Main Features:

  • Filter: Through this feature, you can quickly highlight or hide all the records similar to a selected record.
  • Case Sensitive Search: Use it to precisely find a specific record of an input log file.
  • Multi-String Search: This search feature allows you to find all the similar patterns of records present in a log file.
  • Export: This function lets you export a selected set of records or all the records in TXT or LOG file format.

Final Thoughts:

It is a simple and straightforward log viewer software in which you can easily view and search log records.


Tailviewer is a free open source log viewer software for Windows. It is another active log viewer software in which you can view active logs which are constantly updated by their applications. Plus, other essential logs viewing features are also present in it. Apart from the main viewing features, it also provides a cleanly designed interface that offers a decent log data viewing environment.

Main Features:

  • View: Using it, you can make various adjustments to enhance your log data viewing experience like enabling or disabling line numbers, time delta, elapsed time, color by levels, empty lines, etc.
  • Filters: Use it to filter out desired results from a log file.
  • Merge: As its name suggests, it is used to merge multiple log files into one.

Additional Feature:

  • Plugins: In this software, you can also add multiple plugins to introduce more features to this software.

Final Thoughts:

It is another standard open source log viewer in which you can easily load and view log files.

LogJoint Log Viewer

LogJoint Log Viewer is another free open source log viewer software for Windows and macOS. In this software, you can load and view multiple log file sources. The good thing about this software is its Threads functionality that divides a log file in multiple threads containing a similar set of records. Overall, it is another easy to use log viewer in which you can view and analyze large log files.

Main Features:

  • Log Sources: Using it, you can load multiple log sources or files and select any one of the log files to view its records.
  • Threads: It divides large log files into multiple threads and lets you jump between threads. Besides this it lets you find all messages from a specific thread.
  • Highlighting Rule: It lets you assign the highlighting color to matched log records.
  • Search: It is an advanced search section through which you can make case-sensitive search, quick search, thread search, and whole word search.

Additional Features:

  • Bookmarks: Use it to bookmark records of a log file that you can quickly access from the Bookmark section.

Final Thoughts:

It is another decent open source log viewer software in which you can easily view and search large log records.


LogExpert is yet another free open source log viewer software for Windows. It is another standard log viewer software in which you can view log files and search for the desired log record. Plus, other common features like search, filters, bookmarks, etc., are also present in it. Apart from viewing log files, you can also directly edit log entries from the main interface of this software.

Main Features:

  • View/Navigate: It is a tab that offers multiple viewing and navigation features through which you can jump to a specific line of the log record, search for a specific record, filter record, bookmark important log events, etc.
  • Columnizer: Using it, you can divide log events into multiple columns based on parameters like date, time, regular expression, etc.
  • Column Finder: Through this feature, you can quickly locate any column that you want.

Additional Features:

  • Multi-tab Interface: Using the multi-tab interface of this software, you can open multiple log files in side by side tabs.
  • Encoding: With the use of this feature, you can change the default encoding of a log file to ASCII, Windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, UTF8, and Unicode formats.
  • Save Session: It lets you save various activities performed by you during one log file viewing session.
  • Export Bookmarks: Use it, to export bookmarks in CSV and BMK file formats.

Final Thoughts:

In this open source log viewer software, you can find all the essential log viewing features along with some handy additional features.


SnakeTail is one more open source log viewer software for Windows. It is a dedicated log viewer software in which you can view both small and large log files. Apart from the log file, it also supports log data present in a text file. Plus, it also lets you open and view multiple log files in side by side windows. To improve the log viewing experience, it offers standard viewing tools that you can easily use. Now, let us check out the key features of this software.

Main Features:

  • View Options: By going to the view options, you can manually adjust the text font size, text color, background color, bookmark text color, etc., to enhance the viewing experience according to your needs.
  • Find: Using it, you can make both the case sensitive and case insensitive searches to find specific records.
  • Bookmark: In this software, you can mark important log lines that you can later access from the Bookmark section.
  • Previous and Next Highlight: Use these features to quickly jump to previous and next highlighted lines and words present in a log file.

Additional Feature:

  • Save Session: Use it to save all the activities performed by you during one session in the XML file format.

Final Thoughts:

It is a cleanly designed and straightforward open source log viewer software that provides a nice log viewing environment.

fishjam LogViewer

fishjam LogViewer is another free open source log viewer software for Windows. It is an easy to use log viewer software in which you can view log data present in LOG, TXT, and Fast Trace Log (FTL) files. After loading a log file, you can view all its data on the main interface. Plus, essential log viewing tools like search and filter are also present in it.

Main Features:

  • Log Level: It lets you view and hide various details of a log file like info, trace, warnings, errors, etc.
  • Filter: It can show or hide all the records containing a specific string or word.
  • Seq Number: It is another handy feature that lets you view records between any two sequential record numbers.
  • Save as: After viewing a log file, you can use this feature to save it in LogViewer File (FTL) format.

Additional Feature:

  • CodePage: It is a simple feature through which you can quickly change the default encoding format of a log file to UTF8, GB2312, KOR(932), etc., formats.

Final Thoughts:

This open source log viewer software offers a decent log viewing environment in which you can view and analyze log file data.

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Naveen Kushwaha

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