5 Best Free Portable Mouse Recorder Software For Windows

Here is a list of best free portable mouse recorder software for Windows. These software are similar to standard mouse recorders which can record all the mouse operations. Unlike, standard mouse recorder software, these software come in a portable package. As they come in portable packages, thus users can use them without installation. Plus, users can also carry them around in portable storage devices.

Through most of these portable recorders, users can also record keyboard actions along with mouse actions. Not only that, users can easily automate all the recorded mouse and keyboard operations through these recorders. Users can also save the recorded mouse operations in various file formats like Macros, EXE, Rec, etc. A few software also lets users adjust the speed of recorded mouse automation tasks. The process to record mouse operations is quite simple in all these recorders. Still, to help out novice users, I have included the necessary mouse operation recording process in the description of each software.

These software also come with additional tools through which users can schedule automation tasks, delay automation tasks, etc. Go through the list to know more about these portable software.

My Favorite Portable Mouse Recorder Software For Windows:

Perfect Automation is my favorite software because it lets users record mouse movements in both Absolute and Relative coordinates. Plus, users can save the recorded mouse movement file and also automate the recorded mouse movements.

You can also check out lists of best free Portable Audio Recorder, Portable Video Recorder, and Portable Screen Recorder software for Windows.

Perfect Automation

Perfect Automation is automation software that can also be used as a portable mouse recorder. This software works on Windows. Using this software, users can easily record all the mouse actions in absolute and relative coordinates. Now, follow the below steps to record mouse actions using this software.

How to record mouse using Perfect Automation:

  • Launch this software and go to its Recorder section.
  • After that, enable Record Mouse Movements. Users can also enable keyboard action to record keyboard actions.
  • Now, choose Absolute Coordinates or Relative coordinates to the active window.
  • Lastly, hit the Record button to record all the mouse movements.

Additional Features:

  • Scheduler: Using it users can schedule multiple automated tasks like launching an application, running a script, etc.
  • Script Editor: Using this editor users can view and manually edit various types of automation scripts.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free portable mouse recorder software through which users can record mouse movements.

Macro Toolworks

Macro Toolworks is a free portable mouse recorder software for Windows. Using this software, users can record mouse and keyboard actions in the form of macros that can be automated later. This app is mainly used to repeat repetitive tasks using macros. Besides this, it also offers more than 300 macro commands to automate various tasks. Now, Now, follow the below steps.

How to record mouse using Macro Toolworks:

  • Launch this app and go to the Record Macro section.
  • After that, click on the Next button and enable mouse record events. Apart from mouse users can also record keyboard events.
  • Lastly, click on the Record Now! button to start the mouse recording process.

Additional Features:

  • This portable software offers various additional features like Add text macro, Add Clipboard Macro, Run Macro, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good portable mouse recorder software through which users can record mouse and keyboard actions in the form of macros.


TinyTask is another free portable mouse recorder software for Windows. Through this software, users can record both the keyboard and mouse operations. All the operations recorded by this app can also be automated using its Play feature. After recording the mouse actions, users can save it as REC and EXE files. Now, follow the below steps.

How to record mouse using TinyTask:

  • Launch this software and click on the Rec button to start recording.
  • Now, perform mouse and keyboard actions like launching a program, switching between tabs, etc.
  • Lastly, hit the Rec button again to stop the recording. To replicate the recorded mouse operation, users can use its Play button.

Additional Features:

  • This software allows users to replicate the mouse operation at different speeds. Plus, a tool to perform the recorded operation in a loop is also present in it.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good portable mouse recorder software that anyone can use to record mouse and keyboard actions.

Mini Mouse Macro

Mini Mouse Macro is a free open source and portable mouse recorder software for Windows. Using this software, users can record mouse operations and automate all the recorded mouse actions. Apart from the mouse, it can also record keyboard operations and actions. After recording the mouse actions, users can save it in Macro File format. Now, check out the below steps to record mouse actions using this software.

How to record mouse using Mini Mouse Macro:

  • Launch this software and click on the Record button to start the mouse recording process.
  • After that, perform some mouse and keyboard operations that you want to record.
  • Now, hit the Stop button to finish the recording process. After the completion of the recording, users can automate the recording task using the Play button.

Additional Features:

  • Loop: This software can automate tasks in a loop.
  • Mouse Operation List: This software also creates a list of all the mouse actions such as left-click release, keypress, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable portable mouse recorder software through which users can easily record and automate the recorded mouse and keyboard operations.

Mouse Controller

Mouse Controller is the last free open source and portable mouse recorder software for Windows. Using this software, users can easily record all the mouse actions. Although, unlike most other similar software, it doesn’t record the keyboard operations. Now, follow the below steps to record mouse operations using this portable mouse recorder software.

How to record mouse using Mouse Controller:

  • Start this software and click on the F9 button to initiate the recording process.
  • Now, perform the mouse actions that you want to record.
  • Next, press the F9 button again to stop the recording process.
  • Now, to automate the recorded operation press the F11 button.

Users can save the recorded mouse operation in MouseRecorder Files format.

Additional Features:

  • Schedule: This software offers multiple tools to schedule the recorded mouse operations like repeat every day, repeat x amount of times, delay by, etc.
  • Time Stretch: Using it, users can slow down the mouse action automation process.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good portable mouse recorder software that anyone can use without much hassle.

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Naveen Kushwaha

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