6 Best Free Android CPU Monitor Apps
Here is a list of best free Android CPU monitor app. CPU or Central Processing Unit is an essential aspect of an Android device. It processes all the instructions, UI elements, and background processes of OS and apps. If you want to monitor various CPU parameters, then users can use these Android CPU monitor apps. Through these apps, users can easily monitor CPU temperature, CPU frequency, CPU usage, and other CPU parameters. Most apps also show CPU parameters in the form of graphs. Through graphs, users can also track the change in CPU temperature, CPU load, etc., parameters over a period of time. Another good thing about these apps is their ability to show more CPU parameters in real-time.
Apart from CPU monitoring, most of these apps can also be used to monitor parameters of other Android components like RAM, Battery, Storage, etc. In the case of RAM, these apps show RAM utilization and available RAM status. For Battery, these apps show battery charge level, battery temperature, battery capacity, etc. Similarly, some apps help users monitor storage like utilized storage, total available storage, etc. Some apps also offer additional features through which users can view background processes, add monitoring overlay, view device sensors, etc. Go through the list to know more about these apps.
My Favorite Android CPU Monitor App:
CPU Monitor is my favorite app because it shows all the essential CPU statistics like individual core usage, CPU frequency, CPU temperature, etc. Plus, it also shows CPU statistics graphs to highlight changes in CPU temperature, CPU usage, etc., over a period of time.
You can also check out lists of best free SD Card Cleaner App, Battery Discharge Time Calculator App, and Android Battery Temperature App for Android.
CPU Monitor
CPU Monitor is a free Android CPU monitor app. Through this app, users can track the CPU usage and temperature in real-time. Besides this, it also shows CPU data in the form of graphs for better understanding. Let’s take a brief look at the main features of this app.
Main Features:
- CPU Frequency Graph: It shows the change in frequency over time in the form of a graph. For each CPU core, it plots a separate CPU frequency graph.
- CPU Usage: It shows the current CPU package usage and individual core usage.
- CPU Temperature Graphs: It shows the change in CPU temperature over a period of time in the form of a graph.
- Statistics: It shows the average CPU temperature and frequency.
- Notification: This app also adds a notification showing the CPU temperature, RAM usage, and battery temperature in the notification bar.
Additional Feature:
- System: It shows specifications of your Android device such as phone model name, manufacturer name, CPU name, Android Version, etc.
- In this free version of this app, users don’t get features like battery saver, battery monitor, memory booster, etc. To get all the features, users need to purchase its premium version.
Final Thoughts:
It is one of the best free Android CPU monitor app through which users can easily monitor the CPU frequency and temperature of their Android devices.
Simple System Monitor
Simple System Monitor is another free Android CPU monitor app. As its name implies, it is mainly a system monitor app through which you can also monitor other aspects of an Android device like Battery, App Usage, RAM, Network Activity, etc. Now, check out the primary features of this Android CPU monitor app.
Main Features:
- CPU Frequencies: It shows the CPU frequency in real-time of all CPU cores. It also plots a chart highlighting the change in CPU frequency.
- CPU Usage Total: It shows the overall CPU usage at any given time.
- CPU Usage Cores: This section shows the usage of all CPU cores.
- Load Average: With its help users can track the average load your Android CPU is handling.
Additional Features:
- RAM: Use it to track the current RAM usage of your device.
- Disk Activity: It shows the read and writes speed of the internal storage of your device.
- Running Services: In it, you can view all the currently running services.
- Battery Temperature: Use it to track the temperature of your Android device battery.
Final Thoughts:
It is a feature-rich Android CPU monitor app through which users can also monitor other aspects of their Android devices like battery temperature, running services, and more.
Task Manager
Task Manager is a free task management and tracking app that can also be used as an Android CPU monitor app. On the main interface of this app, users can view various CPU monitoring values like CPU usage, CPU load, etc. Besides this, it also statistics about other Android device components like RAM, Battery, Storage, etc. Now, take a look at some of the primary features of this app.
Main Features:
- CPU: This section shows the current CPU load in the form of numerical values and a line graph. Besides this, it also shows the average CPU frequency.
- Processor: In this section, you can view detailed statistics about a CPU like maximum clock speed, runtime, number of cores, uptime, usage in percentage, etc.
Additional Features:
- RAM: It shows the current RAM usage and total available RAM space.
- Battery: Using it, users can check the current battery level, battery voltage, and battery technology.
- Storage: It shows free and used internal storage space.
- Sensor: It is another handy feature through which users can view all the sensors present in their Android devices like GPS, Accelerator, Gyroscope, etc.
Final Thoughts:
It is another good Android CPU monitor app through which users can monitor CPU statistics along with statistics of other important components like battery, RAM, etc.
CPU Temperature
CPU Temperature is yet another free Android CPU monitor app. It is another good app through which users can monitor various aspects of the CPU of Android devices. Let’s take a brief look at the main features of this app.
Main Features:
- CPU Temperature: Using this section, users can track CPU usage and CPU frequency in real-time.
- Changing Curve: In this section, users can track CPU temperature and CPU usage in the form of a graph.
- High-Temperature Alert: Through this feature, users can manually specify an upper-temperature limit for the CPU so that this app triggers an alert when the CPU reaches that temperature.
- CPU Temperature Overlay: It adds a CPU temperature overlay on the main screen shows the CPU temperature and CPU usage.
Additional Features:
- Using this app users can also track the battery temperature, battery charge level, and RAM usage of their Android devices.
Final Thoughts:
It is another capable yet simple to use Android CPU monitor app through which users can monitor CPU temperature, CPU usage, and CPU frequency in real-time.
Tinycore is the next free Android CPU monitor app. It is another good app through which users can monitor various CPU parameters along with Battery and Ram statistics. Now, check out the main features of this Android CPU monitor app.
Main Features:
- CPU Profile: In this app, users can maintain multiple CPU profiles to highlight different CPU parameters on the main interface such as CPU frequency, CPU temperature, maximum CPU frequency, number of CPU cores, CPU load, etc.
Additional Feature:
- RAM Profile: Similar to CPU profile, users can also adjust the RAM profile to monitor RAM parameters such as total RAM, available RAM, RAM usage, etc.
- Battery in full screen: It is a handy feature for gamers as it shows real-time battery charge level over any game so that users know the battery level during games.
- The free version of this app doesn’t show CPU and RAM profiles at the same time. To remove this restriction, you need to purchase its premium version.
Final Thoughts:
It is another good Android CPU monitor app that anyone can use to monitor CPU statistics.
Transparent CPU Monitor
Transparent CPU Monitor is a free Android CPU monitor app. It is another dedicated CPU monitoring app that helps Android users monitor the CPU statists in real-time. Now, take a look at the primary features of this app.
Main Features:
- CPU Monitor Overlay: This overlay shows real-time CPU utilization, CPU frequency, and CPU temperature.
- CPU Graph: It also shows a graph highlighting the change in CPU frequency over a period of time.
- Overlay Settings: Using it, users can adjust graph and overlay transparency according to their requirements.
Additional Features:
- GPU Monitor: It shows real-time GPU statistics such as GPU utilization, temperature, and GPU frequency.
- RAM Monitor: Enable this feature to view RAM utilization and available RAM over the overlay.
Final Thoughts:
It is a capable Android CPU monitor app through which users can monitor important CPU parameters.
Naveen Kushwaha
Passionate about tech and science, always look for new tech solutions that can help me and others.
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